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Pelvic floor therapy

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

How to Prevent Diastasis Recti

One of the top questions that we get asked as pelvic floor physical therapists is “how to prevent diastasis recti”?

In order to answer this question, we need more details about that patient asking it. 

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

What is Considered Frequent Urination?

Frequent urination is something that has been quoted to affect up to 40% of women. Often times women interchange frequent urination and urinary urgency or overactive bladder, however the conditions are very different.

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Pelvic Physical Therapy Jennifer Perna Pelvic Physical Therapy Jennifer Perna

Private Physical Therapy

Private physical therapy is gaining popularity over the last few years. We all know that in recent years healthcare quality has become severely compromised. Many patients leave a healthcare experience feeling like just a number, and not getting answers to the questions they are looking for. 

Since many providers don’t have adequate time to spend with a patient, this leads to patients needing to see more providers, and spend more time at the Doctor’s just to try to get a solution to their symptoms. The physical therapy field is no different.

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postpartum Jennifer Perna postpartum Jennifer Perna

Postpartum Back Pain Treatment

Back pain is very common during and after pregnancy. One of the top concerns that we as pelvic floor physical therapists see is postpartum back pain. Postpartum back pain treatment managed by a pelvic floor physical therapist is extremely effective. In order to understand what postpartum back pain treatment looks like, we first must understand why the back pain is there in the first place.

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Pregnancy Jennifer Perna Pregnancy Jennifer Perna

How To Relieve Severe Back Pain During Pregnancy

Even though back pain during pregnancy is common, it is never normal. Many times, patients are told that pregnancy aches and pains are “par for the course” without given much direction on how to relieve sever back pain during pregnancy. There are many things that can be done to relieve severe back pain during pregnancy, with the most important being pelvic floor physical therapy.

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Urinary Symptoms Jennifer Perna Urinary Symptoms Jennifer Perna

How To Stop Urine Leakage While Running.

Urine leakage while running is a common concern for runners. Some studies report that to 40% of runners struggle with urinary incontinence. Many choose to just wear a pad and continue running, however we caution anyone against this as this can lead to compensations and further problems down the road. You should never leak when you run and if you experience leakage, you should stop running at the mileage point where you experience leakage. A quick solution, might be to take a small break mid-run and then try to resume running only continuing if you can do so without leakage.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

The Link Between Left Hip Pain and Constipation

One of the many symptoms of constipation is left hip pain. Left hip pain and constipation are related because of the way that the bowel runs and ends around the left hip. Since stool is heavy, when the rectum or bowels are filled with stool that is unable to pass, this puts excess weight on the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding hip muscles.

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Urinary Symptoms Jennifer Perna Urinary Symptoms Jennifer Perna

When It Isn’t An Infection: UTI Symptoms But No UTI

Many patient struggle with recurrent UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections). Sometimes though, patients have UTI symptoms but no UTI present with urine cultures. This can frustrate patients because they have a difficult time finding relief of their symptoms with traditional UTI remedies. So what exactly is causing this and what can you do to remedy the symptoms?

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

What’s That Feeling of Heaviness In Pelvic Area?

A feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area is a common concern that patients report in pelvic floor therapy. Heaviness can be the result of many things. Pelvic floor PTs aims to determine what you are describing (does it feel like a bulge, like something is there, like a soreness, or like true heaviness?). We also need to determine exactly what might be contributing to the feeling of heaviness.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

How To Fix a Prolapse Without Surgery

One of the most common questions we get asked as pelvic floor PTs is “how to fix a prolapse without surgery”. Let’s first discuss what prolapse is.

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when there is excess stress to the ligaments that support the organs sitting in the pelvic cavity. Prolapse, and thus the increased stress on the ligaments, can be the result of trauma from childbirth, excessive coughing, excessive heavy lifting, and inadequate pelvic floor muscle strength. Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse typically include a bulge, feeling of vaginal heaviness, lower back pain, and possibly difficulty passing urine or stool.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Female Bladder Leakage Solutions To Get Control

Female bladder leakage is common. Research states that up to 50% of women struggle with bladder leakage. Unfortunately many women’s symptoms are often brushed off and they are told that their bladder leakage is part of aging or the result of having kids. However, there are solutions to get control of female bladder leakage.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

How to Stop Female Urine Leakage

Urinary leakage is extremely common and has been quotes to occur in as many as 50% of women. As pelvic floor physical therapists, one of the top questions we get asked is “how to stop female urine leakage”?

Female urine leakage is often more complex than one would imagine. The first part of understanding female urine leakage is understanding how your body prevents you from leaking in the first place.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Vaginal Prolapse: Understanding Symptoms of Vaginal Prolapse

Vaginal prolapse, also known as pelvic organ prolapse, occurs when one or more of the pelvic organs drop down towards the vaginal wall. Vaginal prolapse is named based on the organ that has dropped down. This includes the bladder, uterus, rectum, and/or small intestine. The degree of vaginal prolapse is based on the level of downward movement for each particular organ.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Tailbone Pain Treatment: How We Treat Tailbone Pain At Vivid.

Chronic tailbone pain (also called coccydynia) is common. Tailbone pain is common during pregnancy, in people that’s daily tasks require prolonged sitting, and in patients that have excessive tightness in the pelvic floor muscles.

Since the tailbone is surrounded by muscles, namely the hip and pelvic floor muscles, a pelvic floor physical therapist is the best provider to help you with chronic tailbone pain treatment. 

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Hip and Pelvic Pain. How Are the Two Related?

Hip and pelvic pain often go hand in hand. Many times patients think that hip and pelvic pain are two isolated types of pain, as often pain will start in one area and then as it worsens begins to travel to a broader area. As pelvic floor physical therapists, we often hear our patients report hip pain that appears to start in the outer hip and then as it progresses begins to wrap around to the front of the pelvis.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Pelvic Wall Therapy: Explore the Benefits and Find a Quality Provider Near You.

Pelvic wall therapy, also known as pelvic floor therapy has gained increased popularity in recent years. Pelvic wall therapy is a specific form of physical therapy that is targeted at the pelvic wall or the pelvic floor muscles.

The pelvic floor muscles are the muscles that sit in the bottom of the pelvis. Every person, regardless of age or gender has a pelvic floor and thus can receive pelvic wall therapy.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Treatment for Urinary Leakage. Discover Helpful Ways to Treat Urinary Incontinence.

Treatment for urinary leakage is one of the top things that pelvic health physical therapists specialize in. Urinary leakage is extremely common among women, especially after pregnancy and as we age. When it comes to successful treatment for urinary leakage, we have to figure out what exactly is causing the leakage to happen and treat or modify anything that is playing a role.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Sharp Pain During Sex In Females

Pain with intercourse for women is extremely common and a common symptom that patients ask about include what is the sharp pain during during sex in females. Around 1 in 4 women will experience pain with intercourse at some point in their life.

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Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Fractured Back and Pelvic Floor: How Are The Two Related?

In a recent Instagram story, Brittany Mahomes shared that she had a fractured back and urged everyone to take care of their pelvic floor after having babies.

From this post, many people have raised the question of: What is the pelvic floor and what does it have to do with a fractured back?

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