Moms in Motion Podcast
with Jenn Perna and Krista Williams

Episode 66: You're Probably Doing it Wrong - Sucking In Your Belly is Not Engaging Your Core
This is one topic that is so very basic to us as movement professionals, but needs to be discussed in detail because every single client and every single patient needs to be taught the difference in order to get the results they are looking for.

Episode 65: Urinary Leakage While Coughing - Tis' the Season for Illness and Pelvic Floor Issues
The pelvic floor struggles are real this season! If you and your family have been sick this winter, you may or may not have experienced urinary leakage when coughing. Even if this has never been an issue for you before, there's a first time for everything, especially when you aren't sleeping well, and your system might already be struggling. If this hasn't been a problem before - amazing - but still listen so you know what to do should you ever find yourself in this situation!

Episode 64: Core Training During Pregnancy - The Benefits You Need vs the Myths You Have Heard
We all know the benefits of having a strong core, but core training is one area of fitness that often gets overlooked during pregnancy. With all of the fear, hard rules, and myths surrounding it, it's no wonder most expecting women simply avoid this area completely. In today's episode, we are going over the benefits of continuing to train your core during pregnancy, what it should look like, and why there is no reason to be afraid!

Episode 63: Bladder Irritants - 6 Things You are Doing That Make Your Bladder Angry
Bladder dysfunction is annoying, and can totally get in our way as we go about our everyday activities. Today, we are going over 6 habits you might have, or things you might be doing on a regular basis, that can be contributing to your bladder acting up!

Episode 62: Life/Business Update - How We Are Surviving & Thriving as we Find Routine in 2025
It's been awhile since we've done a personal and business update! We hope you enjoy catching up with us as much as we enjoy chatting about what business owner mom life is really like right now!

Episode 61: Your Basic Habits Matter Most if You Have Big Goals in 2025
This episode might not be what you want to hear, but its likely what you need to hear to be successful towards your fitness, pelvic floor function, and aesthetic goals this year. Today we are talking about feeding yourself well, sleeping better, working on your stress management, and the list goes on and on. Your biggest goal this year should be to work on your basic habits, so you can eventually crush all the other goals you have in mind. You can do it!

Episode 60: Ditch the Unrealistic Expectations for Your Postpartum Body in 2025
Today, we are talking about unrealistic expectations that moms put on themselves post-baby. Sorry to break it to you, but your body that had babies is likely never going to go back to looking like it didn't have babies! Stop comparing yourself to the 20-something version of you that had tons of free time to workout and eat exactly the way you wanted to, and likely also didn't experience physical trauma or high stress levels. You can have goals, but they need to focus on your overall health and wellness first, and then the aesthetic changes will follow. Let us know how we can support your goals in 2025 - we are cheering for you!

Episode 59: Pelvic Floor Tension - A Common Problem, and Likely Causing your Pelvic Floor Issues
There are a lot of things happening this time of year that lead to pelvic floor tension - stress, feeling cold, taking care if babies/small kids, standing in lines (postural issues), sickness... and more stress!

Episode 58: Protecting Your Peace - How to Make Sure YOU Enjoy the Holiday Season Too
As moms we all need this reminder around the holidays, we even need it ourselves! We are pushing you to put boundaries in place, and stick to them, and do whatever it takes to protect your peace this holiday season. Moms deserve to enjoy the holidays just as much as everyone else, and this is an important part of making sure that happens!

Episode 57: Get Your Ass in Gear Now - Why You Shouldn't Wait Until 2025 to 'Do You' Better
It's a busy time of year - we all feel that. Lots of events, obligations, year end deadlines, and things we feel we 'should' be doing. What you really need to be doing, though, if you aren't already, is prioritizing yourself and taking care of your own needs now, instead of waiting until the New Year. It's so easy to say 'when the holidays are over I'll...." or 'in the New Year I'll start....' The truth is though, if you wait and be that 'New Year New Me' person, it's not going to stick.

Episode 56: BirthLab - Why Your Hospital's Prep Class Isn't Enough to Prepare You to Give Birth
The next BirthLab Class is happening at Vivid Women's Health THIS Saturday, 12/7 at 9:30am! In-person spots are full, but you can still join via live stream. This class won't run again until the Spring, so be sure to sign up if you are due before then!

Episode 55: Postpartum Rehab - Why No Mom Can Afford to Skip Putting in the Work to Properly Recover from Birth
We get asked all the time... "Do I really have to do this?" Meaning taking the time for intentional rehab postpartum, before returning to 'regular' exercise. No matter who you are, what you did or didn't do during pregnancy, and how much you know about what happened to your body during birth, no mom is exempt from the need to rebuild a solid foundation before returning to whatever you used to do.

Episode 54: Diabetes Awareness - Jenn's Journey as a Type 1 Diabetic Mom
Maybe you didn't know that November is Diabetes Awareness month, and maybe you also didn't know that Jenn's oldest son is a Type 1 diabetic. Their journey to getting a diagnosis and learning to manage this disease wasn't an easy one! Even if you have no experience with diabetes, any mom struggling to navigate a child's medical issue might benefit from hearing Jenn's experience!

Episode 53: New Mom Expectations - How to Better Prepare to Take On the Hardest Job in the World
Being a new mom is so hard, especially if this is your first baby! It is probably the biggest life change a woman will experience, so with all the pressure, expectations, and adjustments, it is no wonder new moms can find themselves in a dark place.

Episode 52: Why Surgery is NOT the Final Solution for Your Problems & Pain
No matter if you are facing a pelvic floor repair, an orthopedic surgery, or some type of elective cosmetic surgery, the surgery itself is not going to solve all your problems. Sorry to break it to you!

Episode 51: The Little Dents Matter. Your Body or Your Car... No One Wants a Junker
Your body or your car - no one wants a junker! In today's episode, we are talking about a problem that everyone has been guilty of at one time or another... ignoring the little dents. Find out why this tendency ends up costing you a lot more in money and your time. We promise we are not calling out any one person with this episode, but if you are one of many that are guilty of doing this - time to get your butt in gear and take care of it!

Episode 50: Celebrating 50 Episodes! Committed to Consistency & Which Episodes Have been Most Popular!
Today we celebrating making it to the big 5-0... FIFTY episodes in 50 weeks! We have enjoyed bringing you this important content and are looking forward to many more episodes! We are committed to sticking with this even though the large majority of podcasters stop recording shortly after they start. In this episode, we chat about the ways we make recording a priority as we run our businesses, and raise our families, and have no shame in asking you for your feedback and your reviews in return!

Episode 49: Your Menstrual Cycle - Everything You Never Learned About 'That Time of the Month'
Your period is so much more than just a monthly inconvenience - it truly is a window into your overall health. Why aren't more women learning more about their monthly cycle early on? We are wondering the same thing. No matter if you are thinking about starting a family, in your childbearing years, entering perimenopause, or have teenage girls - this episode is a must listen for all women!

Episode 48: Postpartum Recovery - Jenn's Journey & What You Need to do to Promote Healing
If you are a brand new mom, expecting mom, or even just hoping to grow your family in the future, this episode is a can't miss! We discuss Jenn's healing from the delivery of baby #4, and what she is doing to work on her own recovery and return to exercise. We also level set expectations and considerations in your own postpartum recovery. Know better, do better!

Episode 47: Business Behind the Scenes: Future Planning for Vivid & Strong Moms
It’s been awhile since we’ve done a business episode! It’s always busy behind the scenes, and today’s episode is a look into our future plans for Vivid & Strong Moms!