Moms in Motion Podcast

with Jenn Perna and Krista Williams

Episode 46: Baby #4 is here! Jenn's Birth Story - No Longer Just a Boy Mom!
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 46: Baby #4 is here! Jenn's Birth Story - No Longer Just a Boy Mom!

Congrats to Dr. Jenn! We are excited to have Jenn share her birth story on today's episode, which we waited for and have had zero conversation about before recording this! No matter if you are a first time expecting mom or a seasoned mom with multiple children hoping for more, we hope Jenn sharing her experience is helpful for you!

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Episode 45: September is the New January for Moms - Here's the Kick in the Pants You Need to Make the Most of It!
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 45: September is the New January for Moms - Here's the Kick in the Pants You Need to Make the Most of It!

Cheers to September being in full swing! Schedules are regulating, everyone is falling into a routine, and you might start feeling ready to turn your attention inward and do more for you! January and the post-holiday crash is crazy, which is why September is the BEST time of the year for Moms to make real changes and start better habits that can carry you into, and through, the New Year. This episode is the kick in the pants you might need to get moving on your goals - NOW!

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Episode 41: Function Based Training - How You Have to Train for What You Want to Do
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 41: Function Based Training - How You Have to Train for What You Want to Do

Mom life is busy and being efficient in achieving your goals for your fitness and everyday tasks is a must. No matter what you want to do better, no matter what issues you are struggling with and looking to resolve, your fitness training (or PT) must match your goals. So, if you have been in a workout or injury rut and you feel like you aren’t making the progress you expect, this episode is a must listen!

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Episode 40: What Moms Really Need Postpartum, and How to Make Sure You Get It
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 40: What Moms Really Need Postpartum, and How to Make Sure You Get It

No matter if you are a first time mom, a seasoned mom, or someone visiting a new mom, listen to this episode before that baby comes! Especially first time moms - you might feel like you have prepared yourself well for birth, but you need to plan for that fourth trimester too! We hope this episode will help you set boundaries, have the hard conversations, and make sure your postpartum experience is all about you!

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Episode 38: Body Image Struggles - The Hard Truth about your Postpartum Body
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 38: Body Image Struggles - The Hard Truth about your Postpartum Body

Something we both deal with frequently in working with moms is postpartum body imagine issues. There is so much misinformation out there about diastasis recti, the ability to ‘bounce back,’ and expectations regarding your postpartum belly. In the episode we aim to level set expectations, and help you shift your focus so you can stop beating yourself up or comparing your postpartum belly to a belly that never experienced pregnancy.

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Episode 37: Preparing for Birth Better - What You Need to Know that your Hospital Class Won't Teach You
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 37: Preparing for Birth Better - What You Need to Know that your Hospital Class Won't Teach You

If you are expecting right now, congrats! Preparing to welcome a baby into the world, especially as a first time mom, can be overwhelming. Most moms will take the prep class the hospital they are delivering at provides. While that is great and recommended, we are going to fill you in on why you ALSO need to complete birth prep with a pelvic floor physical therapist.

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Episode 36: Summer Fitness Made Simple - Why Your Change in Routine Doesn't Need to Stress You Out
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 36: Summer Fitness Made Simple - Why Your Change in Routine Doesn't Need to Stress You Out

Summer is in full swing and if your fitness routine - or lack of it - is giving you one more thing to stress about, we get it! As moms and business owners we are also feeling the struggle with the lack of routine, schedule, and feeling of normalcy that the school year brings. The good news is, there's no need to let it derail all your effort. In this episode we will discuss why the change is good for you, how to make the most of it, and some small things you can do to get yourself some wins in the movement category while still enjoying your Summer!

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Episode 35: Is This Covered? Understanding Your Insurance Benefits
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 35: Is This Covered? Understanding Your Insurance Benefits

Something we both do regularly is help women advocate for the best possible care for themselves. Often, that involves educating them on the pros and cons of using their insurance. Since Jenn is great with all the ins and outs of explaining this, and Krista has learned so much from her about it, we decided to do the episode to make sure you can navigate it all as best as possible. We want you to be able to ask the right questions, and ultimately make the best decision that will allow you to get your needs met quicker, better, and with a reasonable overall cost. If you are confused about how your insurance works, this episode is for you!

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Episode 34: Returning to Running Postpartum - Why There’s Way More to it than ‘Getting Cleared’
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 34: Returning to Running Postpartum - Why There’s Way More to it than ‘Getting Cleared’

When you’ve had a baby and you are getting ready to return to some movement postpartum, your first effort should NOT be running. We totally understand that it can be quick/easy (esp if you are used to long distances), convenient, and free, but there are so many boxes you need to check before you give running a shot. This doesn’t just apply to running either, the guidelines are the same for any higher impact movement.

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Episode 33: Life/Business Update - Putting on our Big Girl Business Owner Panties | 80% is Good Enough
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 33: Life/Business Update - Putting on our Big Girl Business Owner Panties | 80% is Good Enough

Being business owners requires us to make the tough decisions, do the dirty work, and juggle all the balls at once, which has certainly been the case for both of us recently! If you enjoy learning more about the way our businesses run behind the scenes, this episode is for you. If you are a fellow business owner (and mom), listen to this episode so you don't feel alone when you are riding the struggle bus!

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Episode 32: Tailbone Pain Is An Actual Pain In The Ass, But Pelvic Floor Therapy Can Help!
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 32: Tailbone Pain Is An Actual Pain In The Ass, But Pelvic Floor Therapy Can Help!

If you've had tailbone pain during pregnancy, postpartum, or have experienced it without ever having been pregnant, then you know it's an actual pain in the ass! Jenn has experienced this herself during this pregnancy, and takes us through all the details about what is really going on with your tailbone, and why just sitting on a pillow isn't a permanent solution. Maybe you didn't know that pelvic floor therapy can be the answer, or what treatment might look like. Find out in today's episode, and be sure to share it with someone you know who suffers from this type of discomfort!

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Episode 29: No, Not Now, or Not Yet - Common Objections We Face In Business and How We Handle Them
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 29: No, Not Now, or Not Yet - Common Objections We Face In Business and How We Handle Them

As business owners we face objections from potential clients and patients regularly! We've developed pretty thick skin over the years but the thing is, when something is 'broken,' you have to be ready to fix it! Sometimes moms are not ready to actually take the leap and make changes and get the right help, but when they are, we will be there ready to go.

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Episode 28: Urinary Leakage - Common in the Motherhood Population, But It's NOT Normal!
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 28: Urinary Leakage - Common in the Motherhood Population, But It's NOT Normal!

Moms, if you pee your pants when you jump, run, lift heavy, sneeze, or cough - this episode is for you! Yes, even if it's only sometimes, and yes, even if it's 'only a little bit,' you need to fully understand how and why this might be happening, and why waiting to get help is not the answer. Even if this has never been an issue for you - education for the 'if and when' is really important! Be sure to share this episode with a friend and let's work together to keep everyone's underwear dry, and so we can wear colored leggings!

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Episode 27: What it Really Means to Shop Small - The Positive AND Negative Impact You Can Have in the Community
Jennifer Perna Jennifer Perna

Episode 27: What it Really Means to Shop Small - The Positive AND Negative Impact You Can Have in the Community

Owning small businesses has certainly not been the easiest decision we have made, but for so many reasons it's the decision we are most passionate about! No matter if you are a small business owner or customer of small businesses, you may not have considered all of the things (positive and negative) that go into supporting small businesses!

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